
Grobund ecofactory

From Frederikshavn we took a train to Skorping from where we cycled to an ecovillage called Himmerlandsbyen. The way was hilly and stony but quite beautiful. Jan of Himmerlandsbyen took the time to show us around the ecovillage and his stunningly beautiful self-made home. The next morning we cycled on to Arden from where we took a train (for which we should have gotten a reservation for the bikes) to Aarhus. Since we were about to spend a few weeks at JJs mom’s place, we treated ourselves to a night in a tiny house at Aarhus Camping and two nights on an Airbnb yacht at Aarhus harbor. From the camping we explored Hjortshoj ecovillage and Simon visited Grobund ecovillage, a former industrial site transformed into a DIY workcamp with a farm, a beach and lots of potential for a brighter future.

Information on outdoor activities and wild camping can be found on


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